Community Guidelines

Last updated: November 1, 2023

Ko is a networking platform for education. We're committed to making Ko a welcoming environment for diverse perspectives and experiences, while maintaining a space where people are free to express themselves.

These Community Guidelines exist to shape and guide Ko and its growing education community. We hope to help you understand how best to express yourself on Ko, and what types of actions or content may violate our Terms of Service.

Illegal content and conduct

You may not publish any content that violates laws or regulations. Please respect the intellectual property of others and don’t infringe on their privacy or any other legal rights. You are solely responsible for the content you publish on Ko and liable for any harm caused by the content you publish.

Threats of violence

You may not threaten violence against individuals or groups of people, or use Ko to organize, promote, fund, or incite acts of real-world violence or terrorism. We also remove content that glorifies acts of violence or its perpetrators.

Hate speech and discrimination

We don't tolerate speech that attacks people on the basis of who they are. This includes attacks on people based on their race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, or serious medical conditions. While there's always the potential for misunderstandings, we expect our community members to remain respectful and civil when discussing sensitive topics.

Bullying and harassment

We don't tolerate bullying or harassment. This means any habitual badgering or intimidation targeted at a specific person or group of people. In general, if your actions are unwanted and you continue to engage in them, there's a good chance you are headed into bullying or harassment territory.


Don’t claim to be a person or organization you’re not. You may not seek to mislead others as to your identity by copying another person's avatar, posting content under their email address, using a similar username, or otherwise posing as someone else.

Doxxing and invasion of privacy

Don't post other people's private information (such as a personal email address, phone number, or home address) without their express authorization and permission. Depending on the context, such as in the case of intimidation or harassment, we may consider other information, such as photos or videos that were taken or distributed without the subject's consent, to be an invasion of privacy, especially when such material presents a safety risk to the subject. Ko will take context into account as well as whether the reported content is publicly available elsewhere.


Don't publish any content that was created by someone else and claim it as your own.

Sexually obscene content

Don’t post content that is pornographic. This does not mean that all nudity, or all code and content related to sexuality, is prohibited. We recognize that sexuality is a part of life and non-pornographic sexual content may be a part of your resources, or may be presented for educational or artistic purposes. We do not allow obscene sexual content or content that may involve the exploitation or sexualization of minors.

Gratuitously violent content

Don’t post violent images, text, or other content without reasonable context or warnings. While it's often okay to include violent content in video games, news reports, and descriptions of historical events, we do not allow violent content that is posted indiscriminately, or that is posted in a way that makes it difficult for other users to avoid (such as a profile avatar). A clear warning or disclaimer in other contexts helps users make an educated decision as to whether or not they want to engage with such content.

Misinformation and disinformation

You may not post content that presents a distorted view of reality, whether it is inaccurate or false (misinformation) or is intentionally deceptive (disinformation) where such content is likely to result in harm to the public or to interfere with fair and equal opportunities for all to participate in public life. For example, we do not allow content that may put the well-being of groups of people at risk or limit their ability to take part in a free and open society. We encourage active participation in the expression of ideas, perspectives, and experiences and may not be in a position to dispute personal accounts or observations. We generally allow parody and satire that is in line with our Acceptable Use Policy, and we consider context to be important in how information is received and understood; therefore, it may be appropriate to clarify your intentions via disclaimers or other means, as well as the source(s) of your information.

Active malware or exploits

You may not upload or link to malware, spyware, adware, or other malicious or destructive code. However, we don't prohibit the posting of methods or source code which could be used to develop malware or exploits if its distribution has educational value and provides a net benefit to the security community.

Spam and phishing

You may not create an account for spamming or phishing purposes. Don't post spam when interacting with others on Ko, such as in resources, comments, or discussion threads.

Restricted businesses

Ko's payments are processed through Stripe, which excludes certain types of businesses from using their service, and consequently ours. Please refer to the Stripe Service Agreement (US agreement) and Stripe’s restricted businesses for more information about restricted business categories and practices.

Keep in mind that these are just guidelines – interpretations are solely up to us. These guidelines are not exhaustive and are subject to change at our discretion and without notice.

If you encounter content that may violate these guidelines or have questions about them, please email us at We will investigate any abuse reports and may moderate public content on our site that we determine to be in violation of our Terms of Service.

© 2025 Ko Education LLC